Breaking and Entering

Rated M
by Destiel
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On her knee's with her hands behind her head and half a dozen semi-automatic weapons pointed in her face wasn't exactly out of the norm when you break into prison - well, at least that's if you're referring to back in the old days where the dead didn't walk and try to eat your flesh - But that's not even half of her current problems.


One of them being her friend beside her on the ground with her collarbone and shoulder in excruciating pain from where she'd had a dare-devil idea to jump out of a three story building onto their van in an escape from the flesh eating fuckwits. Another, being the wound to her leg from the barbed wire fence she'd climbed over only moments ago leaving a gash in her inner thigh that hurt like a bitch and wouldn't stop bleeding.


But the one that took the cake would have to be seeing her old high school fling pointing a double barrel shotgun in her face barely even looking a day over seventeen. “Well shit fire and save the matches, Ain't you just a sight?”


“Charlotte? Holy crap, is that you?” the barrel was suddenly removed from her sight and was replaced by a hand being held out to help her up. Accepting the gentlemanly gesture, she let him help her up while she grit her teeth at the pain in her leg.


“As much as I love the name my Momma gave me, I like Charlie just fine” her thickly accented southern drawl hardly understandable to the people around her besides the young brunette man holding her up. “How the hell did you survive?” He asked her and she gave him a droll stare. “Ya forget my Daddy was an ex-seal, he taught me everything I know”


Realizing they were friends and not foe, the people who were pointing their guns at them put them away and started helping her and her friend walk up towards the rest of the Prison. “What happened to you and her that made you come here?” one of the women who'd previously been aiming her rifle at the half-conscious blonde in pain beside her – whom was currently being carried by a crossbow wielding stranger and an older woman with a pixie cut – asked.


Sticking her thumb out and gesturing behind her, she explained “We were staying in an office buildin' not too far from 'ere when a horde of those fuckers came at us and we had no choice but to bolt out the third-Fuck!-story, needless to say dipshit over there came up with the idea while I was the reluctant tag-along” She was forced to put some of her weight on her leg when she stumbled and nearly decked everyone who tried to help her.


“You sure you should be walking with your leg like that?” Her high school buddy asked and she replied with a blank expression. “Oh, aye. I could run a fuckin' marathon at this rate” He sighed at the same sarcastic behavior he'd known her to have back in the day and added “If you want, I can carry you”


She burst into a maniacal cackle and flapped her hand around like a mental patient. “Oh, Sweetie. Unless yer hidin' some serious muscle tone under that shirt, ya ain't pickin' me up” she patted his shoulder and the dark skinned brunette opposite him let out a chuckle.


They helped the girls up to the prison and into the cell block where they laid the blonde on a table and let Charlie hop on one by herself. “What's going on, Glenn?” Questioned a slightly greying brunette with a full beard and curly hair who had just stepped out of a cell himself.


“I'll be right back” Her friend mumbled and walked away to take the newcomer aside and explain things. In the mean time, an older man in suspenders and crutches hobbled over to her friend on the table and she immediately asked “What d'ya think yer doin'?”


Stepping away from their whispering, the brunette beside her friend gestured for her to calm down. “Hershel here is a doctor, he can make sure your friend is okay” he reassured her and she squinted but nodded nonetheless. “What happened to her?” The old doctor asked.


“Bitch jumped out a third story window onto our van, busted her shoulder up an' nearly knocked her ass out” she explained with a nonchalant tone that had the man staring at her like she was insane before he shook his head and returned to inspecting the unconscious blonde. “And why is her nose bleeding? Did she hit it, too?”


“Nah, she kept bitchin'. I knocked her out” The scruffy man holding the crossbow snorted and earned a scowl from the doc. “What? It's funny” he exclaimed with a Georgian drawl and after a few more seconds under the Doctors scrutiny he shrugged and walked over to pick up an apple and lean on the wall.


Coming over to stand beside Charlie, Glenn introduced the man he'd taken aside as Rick, the leader of their so-called group. “Sorry for breakin' in, I know it must've been a shock for ya'll” She apologized.


Putting his hand on his holster out of habit, Rick leaned back on his left foot and started “I understand that Glenn knows you from before all this, but I need you to know – I don't know you, trust you, or even care about you. So if you make me regret letting you near my people I won't hesitate to end you”


Flinging her hand up in a mock salute, she replied “Aye-aye, captain” and went about pulling a flask from her jacket. Raising his brow at the object, Glenn asked “You still drink like a man?” she tilted it back and took a swig before replying. “'Course I do, ya think I'mma stay sober with them fuckers out there?”


Shrugging as if she'd made a good point, he told her to lie down so he could look at her thigh. “Get you, bein' all dominant like. Ya make a girl's heart flutter” she joked but did as told and he rolled his eyes. “Shut up and let me see”




Waking up with her nose throbbing and her right shoulder aching, Charlie's blonde companion opened her eye's to see a cement wall and a metal table across from her. Blinking the blurriness from her eye's, she struggled to sit up and look around for any sign of where she was.


“Whoa whoa, hold up” drawled a dark haired man in a sleeveless plaid shirt as he came towards her. Flinching away from his would-be touch, she scowled at him “The fuck are you?” her voice hoarse and coming out in a heavy English accent.


“Calm down, your friend Charlie asked me to watch over you” Still untrustworthy of the stranger, the blonde Inspected her right arm and the sling in was in that certainly wasn't there beforehand. “The fuck is this?”


Scratching his scruffy chin and leaning back against the metal table, he replied “The resident doc fixed you up” Looking around with her brows scrunched together she landed her gaze back on his with a glare and asked “Where's Charlie?”


Shrugging, he jutted his chin out in the direction he'd come from and only then did she notice the bars at the foot of her bed, clearly those belonging to a prison cell. “She said somethin' 'bout playing poker” he drawled out.


Her senses coming back to her and her memories of before the redheaded amazon had knocked her out had her hand immediately jerking in an attempt to reach for her gun only to be reminded that one, her arm was in a sling and two, her fucking shoulder hurt.


“Lookin' for your gun?” The nonchalance in which he said it had her even more cautious than she already was with him and she struggled to sit up properly with only her left arm of any use. “Let me help you” He came over and offered his hand but she slapped it away. “I'm fine, just tell me where I can find Charlie and my gun and I'm outta here”


Shaking his head, he replied “I was told not to let you out of this cell” she flipped him the bird and threw the covers off her legs so she wouldn't get tangled while trying to get up. “The doc warned that you'd screw up your arm again if you strained it too much”


Slinging her legs over the side of the bed and gritting her teeth at the pain, she started putting on her boots with her good hand while he started “You shouldn't strain yourself afte-” “I don't give a shit what you say, if you don't give me my gun back and let me leave I'm gonna kick your hillbilly ass back to the trailer park” she interrupted him with a cold stare.


Coughing a laugh and sticking his pinky in his ear lamely, he replied “I hardly think you're in a position to make threats” Shrugging and immediately regretting it when pain shot through her shoulder and collarbone, she gripped the metal bars of the door and braced herself for even more excruciating pain as she pulled herself into a standing position.“You probably think you still have your knife, too”


His hand flew to the sheath at his hip and felt for said weapon and came up empty. Flashing him a humorless grin, she slipped it out of the back of her jeans and tsked at his lack of observation.“What the fu-God damn clepto”


Rolling her eyes and bobbing her head at the insult, she waved the knife around in the air “Yeah, so are you gonna move or am I gonna have to use you as walking bait?” pursing his lips at the mere suggestion, they had a momentary stare-off in which he challenged her to stand down and she didn't even flinch.


Sighing and crossing his arms, he asked “I don't suppose telling you how badly hurt you are will stop you, will it?” the droll stare she gave him in return was all the answer he needed to step to the side and gesture for her to go. “You're gonna get yourself killed” he drawled out as a warning.


Scoffing and limping out of the cell, she tossed over her injured shoulder “Wouldn't be the first time someone told me that, and it sure as hell won't be the last” before taking off in a stagger down the stairs.




Boots crossed at the ankle resting on the edge of the table and long legs on display by the daisy dukes, Charlie twirled a lollipop in her mouth with one hand while her other held a hand of cards she was scrutinizing. “Call” the young brunette boy across from her at the table announced.


“Ya sure 'bout that, sweetie?” she asked the boy and with a smirk on her lips she placed her hand face up on the table “Pair of King's over nine's, Ace high” groaning, the boy tossed his hand on the table and hung his head in shame. “It's alright, kiddo. I'll make a poker champ outta ya yet”


“Swindlin' kids, really Char?” Chimed the limping blonde as she came down the stairs. “Shit, Lilly ya were supposed to stay in the cell until the doc came to check on ya” Lilly flapped her hand in dismissal and hobbled over to sit beside her. “I don't need some redneck babysitter to take care of me, besides – I wouldn't have been knocked out if it wasn't for your ass”


Before she could open her mouth to reply, Charlie was interrupted by Rick and Hershel walking in from outside. “I see you're up and about just fine” Hershel observed with a pointed stare at the blonde. “She don't take to kindly to bein' told what to do” Charlie mumbled out.


Elbowing her in the ribs, Lilly faced the older man in crutches and flashed him a small smile. “I appreciate your help, it's not every day you get treatment from a stranger” clambering over to the table so he could sit beside the boy, he replied “Certainly not in these times, now. How 'bout you let me get a look at your shoulder since you're up”


Nodding, she carefully slipped the sling over her head and tried to stretch her arm out but hissed in pain when she almost had it. “Yep, you definitely tore a muscle in there. You're gonna have to be careful with it for the next week or so as the muscles heal up, I'd suggest you don't even use the arm at this rate”


Sighing, she replied “Thanks, Doc. I'll keep that in mind” and went about putting the sling back on with Charlies help. “Now, I'll give you the same speech as I gave your friend. If you do anything to put these people in danger I will kill you and not think twice about it, we clear?” Rick stated and with a nod from the blonde, he stalked off to do god knows what.


“Don't mind him, he's just looking out for all of us” Hershel reassured them and called a young blonde girl over to him. “This is my daughter Beth, my other daughter Maggie is the one with the short hair” He introduced them. “Hello, It's nice to meet ya'll” Beth smiled brightly at them and Charlie returned it as she nearly strangled Lilly with the sling.


“The other's consist of Glenn – which you already know – Daryl, his brother Merle, Michonne, Carol, Carl here and his baby sister Judith which Beth here looks after” He pointed to the ones in the cell block as he said their names and almost all were in there besides the Merle guy and Carol. “Wait, you mean baby as in baby?” the two newcomer's shared shocked glances.


Nodding, Beth excused herself to a cell just under the stairs and out came the older woman in the pixie cut holding an infant. “Holy shit on a haystack, how did she survive?” Charlie asked and it was Carl who spoke up next. “My Mom died giving birth to her” Hershel patted him on the shoulder in comfort.


“Well shit, I'm sorry I brought it up. I really do apologize if I brought back unwanted memories”Charlie apologized wholeheartedly and Carl just shook his head. “It's okay, you didn't know. Do you wanna teach me how to play again?”


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BrokenAbyssChain  on says:
Betch, congrats on getting featured \(^o^)/

BrokenAbyssChain  on says about chapter 1:
Well ain't I a friendly person to all living things.

We've not even been there a day yet and I've threatened Daryl and you're teaching Carl how to gamble. I can't with us.

Have you started your next update yet? eue

BrokenAbyssChain  on says:
Where's the first chap? xD

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