Patronus Academy ★
by darts_dagger
3 subscribers
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Uzumaki Naruto, Heiwajima Shizuo, Uchiha Sasuke, Orihara Izaya [other Naruto and Durarara characters will make their appearances]
Patronus Academy, the most prestigious academy for all magic users. In this world, humans and magic do-ers lived together in peace. Patronus Academy was one of a kind, though. It had your high school years and college years put together. And another thing it had put together was humans and magic wielders. Humans had to take a variety of tests, however, to get into the academy while a magic wielder only had to show he/she indeed did have the power to use magic to be let in. It wasn't fair to some degree, but beggers couldn't be choosers.
The beauty of Patronus Academy was that humans and wizards were together in the same building for eight years straight. A lot of people were increasingly happy about this while another group of people, smaller in size, weren't so ecstatic at the thought. And that is where our story begins...
Author's Note:
This is my first story, so please be nice. I worked really hard on this fanfic and I hope people will enjoy this little crossover. It is a bit of a young adult themed story and I will rate chapters that contain things that are more rated and if I think some capters have stuff you can handle, I'll merely put a little warning there so that you're not completely shocked or if you're uncomfortable with that, you can skip the part. I can't promise updates will be regular, but I'll try to have an update every week, though I can't make any promises, alright? That's all. Thank you for your supposrt and please comment, upvote, and subscribe.
- darts_dagger
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