Chapter 3- Damage Control

Rated M
by PandaNinja
Tags   smut   romance   drama   naruto   lemon   akatsuki   ocxpein   | Report Content



Pein's POV

I thought of everything to try to keep her with me, but she is just too good! She quickly caught on to my stalling scheme and asked to leave, I grabbed her by the arm, "N-No," I said.

"Why?" she asked.

"Because I said so," I looked away still holding onto her.

"I'm not a child Pein!" she muttered.

I turned back to her, "I know that! Just listen to me ok!" I feel like I'm being a total jerk towards her, must be hard on her, being surrounded with a much of creepy guys.

"Ok, now tell me why I can't leave? I've done everything just tell-"

"I don't want you to leave my sight ever again!" I blurted.

She gasped and her eyes grew wide, "W-what do you mean?"

"the way Hidan speaks about you…it angers me…and I don't want you being left alone were he can do…stuff to you…" he said, "I know your strong and can defend yourself, but…I want to protect you…"

I could tell she was shocked by my words and she was speechless.

"So for now on…you room is my room…"

I could see she turned a little red, "um….o-ok," she said.

"Good," I whispered as I pulled her to a hug.


Was I dreaming or did Pein just make his room my room as well? I guess this is not too bad, since I am further away from Hidan…Ew…but it also confuses me because I feel that he's possibly….dare I say…in love with me…

Later that same day he sent all the other members on separate missions as a punishment of the party, Pein went on his own mission and left me alone. Bad idea, the first thing I did was sneak into Hidan's room and did as much damage as possible, I dipped his tooth brush in toilet water, burned his dirty hentai magazines that were under his bed, and filled pink hair dye in his shampoo. The damage was done and I felt soupier.

I was a little anxious to go through Pein's things but also curious, it was now my room as well, so what was his was kind of mine as well. I went straight to his desk a looked in the drawers; it was a bunch of mission assignments and Akatsuki stuff. I was about to give up until a drawer with a lock caught my eye, I loved locked drawers, that's were all the good stuff typically be at. I took a nail of mine and picked the lock, when I got it open there was one item there. Moreover, I bout gasped out of my skin. There laid, the other half of the picture I had of Nagato! It was a picture of me…

H-h-how in the world did he get this? I thought Nagato had it! Who exactly is Pein?

My head was spinning and my heart ached, I was so confused it hurt. I looked up not turning around, feeling a presents in the room.

"Tell me what's going on…Pein," I said softly, "If that is your name…"


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