The Foulmouthed Father

Rated M
by PandaNinja
Tags   smut   drama   naruto   tragic   lemon   akatsuki   | Report Content



Hidan grinned as he climbed onto of Mayuri's body on the motel mattress, "don't forget Angelcakes, I get to have my way, and you can't do a thing about it!"

She shook her head in agreement with a mild blush, "Yes, I understand,"

"Good," he said smoothly, "thought I might have to get a little ugly," he gave a sly grin.

Before Hidan started kissing her she put a hand up to stop him to say something, "but before you do anything," she said, "I know you like having aggressive, bloody sex and all but—"

"Oh don't worry Angelcakes; I'll defiantly make sure we do that!"

"No wait, what I'm trying to say is, if I start acting…not my typical self, be prepared,"

He had a perplexed look, "How the hell would I know? I'll be so caught up in the mood, I couldn't tell,"

"Trust me…You will,"

Then Hidan grinned as he leaned in closer to kiss her lips, "Well you don't have to notify me about your little curse or whatever, hell it may make it better, cause I like it rough!" he slightly nipped her neck to add effect.

She laughed, not surprised with his reaction, "alright,"

"Now stop dillydallying, and give me those sweet lips of yours," Hidan grinned as kissed on her tender lips.

Mayuri wrapped her arms around his neck as Hidan kissed from her neck to her shoulder slightly getting rougher at each kiss; he pressed harder on her as he slid a hand up her shirt and skillfully unhooked her bra off.

Clearly, he has done this millions of times, and today was no different.

Mayuri winced when Hidan harshly bit her neck, drawing blood. He must have wanted to witness her other persona on purpose. Hidan pulled away from her bloody neck with a smirk, he traced the lining of her jaw and said, "Your blood is awfully sweet," he grinned, "it makes me yearn for for more," he leaned back in and licked the running blood up with his tongue.

Mayuri smiled as she bit her lower lip, enjoying his seduce. However, she could feel her body slightly tremble, her other facade was about to take over.

"H-Hidan, I think I'm going to…shift," she said painfully.

A lot of blood was flowing out of her neck; she tightened her grip on Hidan as she slowly began to lose control of her usual self.

Hidan paused, as the 'New' Mayuri took control. Her eyes were a devilish red and her face was slightly different. The girl gave a sinful grin, "Don't act surprised Hidan boy," she purred while pulling his face down to hers, "it's not like he haven't met before,"

Hidan grinned, he favored Mayuri's other personality than the real Mayuri, "Heh, nice to see you to Angelcakes," he whispered as he began biting on her lips. She gave a muffled moan while she hugged on him tighter.

Hidan took her into a deep kiss; she eagerly kissed him back as her hands on his back pressed his body against hers. "H-Hidan Sama,-" she breathed heavily in his ear.
"what was that?" he licked her earlobe. Mayuri moaned a couple more of incomprehensible words.

"I don't what you to stop dammit!" she moaned, "show me what you got," she gave a devious grin.
Hidan laid her on the bed again and lifted her hips, positioning himself, slowly filling her heat with his own. As she clenched her fists in the sheets, he fell on top of her claiming her lips once more, she wrapped her legs around him, making him go deeper and desiring for him to go faster.
When they broke from the kiss, he fastened his pace, uncontrollably groaning, thrusting even deeper and harder every time. Mayuri watched the sweat pouring from his locks that at candlelight made him hotter, feeling her arousal rise even more, while she moaned his name like a mantra that echoed in the room.
"Nngh... Hi- ahhh!" she finally yelled his name as her body twitched from finally reaching a light in the back of her head.

With a few more thrusts, he was panting on top of her. He licked her neck and kissed, leaving marks getting her aroused with his seduction game again.
Hidan laid next to Mayuri with a satisfied grin on his face. Mayuri slowly came back to her senses, felling slightly pained on her body. She looked at Hidan and said, "So…want to meet her?"

Hidan sat up and thought on it, he was never a kid friendly type of guy however; he did want to know what his own daughter was like. "Yeah, I guess I'll meet the brat," he grinned.

Mayuri teasingly pushed him, "her name is Hime',"

Hidan grinned at the similar naming of the child, "Aw you thought of me so much you named her after me,"

The girl slightly blushed, Hidan was partially right, but she didn't want to admit, "n-no…Hime' means princess, and that's what Hime' is… my little princess,"

He laughed, "Sure, but you also wanted her name similar to mine as well didn't ya?"

Mayuri got up and began to get dressed, "it's not like that; well…not really, ugh let's just get out of here ok!"

When the couple made it back to the house Hime' opened the door with joy when she saw the sight of her mom, but it then faded when she saw Hidan's face, "Why is THAT man here," she muttered.

Mayuri sighed, knowing that the situation was going to be hard to put in plain words, "Hime' sweetie, let's all go in and I'll tell you everything alright,"

Hidan slightly nudged her and whispered, "Wait, you're not tellin this kid EVERYTHING is you?"

Mayuri blushed, "What? No!"

"Just making sure,"

When they all went into the living room Hime' sat on the reclining chair and sat with her arms crossed waiting for the explanation. Mayuri and Hidan sat on the couch.

"Hime', I know you might not like this but,-" Mayuri started to say but Hime' cut her off.

"Your not tellin me that this fucker right here is my fucking dad are you?"

Hidan wanted to say something, but Mayuri placed a hand on his arm to stop him. She sighed, not happy how things turned out, "Yes, this is Hidan and he is your father…hopefully you'll grow to like him, at least"

Hime' stood up with a bizarre look of assorted feelings, Mayuri could not tell if she was going to cry or scream. The little girl looked at her mother and said, "Why? Why did you have to fuck HIM? He's a rude bastard!"

Hidan didn't hold back this time, he wasn't going to let a seven year old bad mouth him, so he stood up and said, "look here kid!" he growled, "you not going to talk me down like some bastard, I'm your father got that, and you're going to accept whether you like it or not!"

"Hime', I'm sorry this isn't how you wanted but… at least give him a chance…" Mayuri added.

The little girl sighed, many thoughts were going through her head, and to both their surprise, Hime' ranned and hugged on Hidan's leg, bawling her eyes out, "I'm so sorry!" she wailed, "I didn't mean those mean things I said, I swear! Please forgive me daddy!"

Hidan was feeling uncomfortable with his daughter crying, "uh yeah I forgive you kid, just stop crying!"

She pulled away and wiped her tears, and then she looked at her mother with a sad look, "mom, why did you tell me that daddy was dead?"

Hidan gave a loud snicker at the ironic comment, oh the mockery! It only gets better and better.

Mayuri rubbed her neck not knowing how to explain her lie, "Well, I thought he did,"

Then she looked back at Hidan, "now that I look at you, we do favor," Hime' said with a small smile.

Hidan patted the girl's head, "you got that right kid, and that potty mouth of yours is an honest gift from me!"

She giggled, "No wonder, mommy always get upset when I say bad words,"

"Oh ho?" he raised an eyebrow, "why is that?"

"Okay, Hime' why don't you go freshen up right quick?" Mayuri suggested, not wanting her daughter to say anymore.

"Nooo let the kid talk Angelcakes,"

"Mommy says it reminds her of daddy and makes her shudder,"

"Oh really?"


Mayuri gave a nervous laugh, worried what Hidan's reaction might be, "She's something isn't she?" She could see his eyebrow slightly twitch, uh oh, that did not look good.

"Kids may say insane lies Angelcakes, but when it comes to the parents, guarantee they will tell the truth," Hidan said when he turned to face her, he placed a hand on her chin forcing her to look into his cold eyes, "now be honest Angelcakes, does the thought of me make you shudder with fear, yes or no?"

Mayuri bit her lip, she tried to look away but Hidan jerked her face back to face him, "Yes or NO?" he demanded.

She sighed, "at times yes," she admitted, "but you can't blame me, those things that happened back then still haunts me…" he voice was low so her daughter couldn't hear.

His voice grew to a whisper as well, "and after all these years you were still willing to fuck me huh?" he grinned.

Mayuri frowned, "N-no way, I LET you, because you wouldn't assassinate me,"

He let his grip go, "Heh, this is true, BUT you were enjoying it too damn well am I right?" He smirked, "admit it, you missed me, you missed me fucking you, did you not?"

"Hidan it's not what you think ok!"

"Ok, so have you fucked any other guy since that night?"

Mayuri made Hime' go into her room while they talked, she knew things were going to get tense, "no…BUT, it was because I was raising Hime'!" she said after her daughter left.

"Uh-huh, sure," he rolled his eyes, "You know you could have slid a few 'adult fun' every now and then,"

"Unlike the whores you're used to, I gave me daughter my FULL attention and love!"

Hidan put a hand up, "Hey, don't get on your soap box now, I don't play that shit!"

She huffed with annoyance, "I thought you'd be compassionate at least,"

Hidan snarled, "The fuck? Do I look like some pussy who would be all lovey dovey just because I got some bitch pregnant? Fuck no!"

She gave a heavy sight, "I thought you'd say something like that," she rubbed her temple, then she looked down, scared to ask her question, "Will you at least visit again…"

"Tch, if I feel like it,"

"Ok," she said quietly.

Hidan started out the door, "I'm going back to base, see ya round Angelcakes, and tell the brat I said I'll come around when I fell like," he said as he walked out.

Mayuri slowly closed the door, she felt somewhat happy to see Hidan again, however she wished she never seen his face again.

Hime' peeked around the corner, "Why did daddy go?" she asked.

"Um…Daddy had to go back to work, he has a very important job to attend to everyday, and we won't see him as often as we want sweetie…I'm sorry,"

The little girl huffed, "okay…"

When Hidan made it back to the Akatsuki base, he went into Pein's office, apparently, Kakatzu already beat him to it, and Pein already knew his situation.

"That little fucker…" Hidan muttered.

"Don't worry though, I ceased the mission for now, but if things get out of hand with that girl, I'll take matter into my own hands if I had to," Pein stated.

Hidan rolled his eyes, "I never said I was 'worried' the girl just wanted to stay alive for the kid, jeez, who do you think I am? Some pussy-ass-caring bastard?"

Pein sighed at Hidan's remark, "No Hidan… however I can feel for the girl's situation with having a small child and all,"

"Speaking of brats… where's your little monster?" Hidan grinned.

Pein rolled his eyes, "Ren and Akira are at the alternate home I've placed for them, for Ren's sake,"

"Oh, ho… a second home you say, your sure it's not for you and Akira to fuck at in private?"

Pein gritted his teeth, getting annoyed at Hidan's inappropriate comments, "No you bastard, I want Ren to be raised in a safe environment and since he's at school now, people can't find out about our hideout…dimwit,"

"Uh, huh, sure boss man, whatever…"

"You have no morals…" he muttered, such a blasphemous father…



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