My Love for You

Rated M
by TheDormouse
Tags   love   sliceoflife   reallife   | Report Content

My Love for You - love sliceoflife reallife - chapter image



She ran through the rain crying, but it couldn’t be seen by the water that was streaming down her cheeks. When she had left the house she hadn’t bothered to take an umbrella or a jacket. The rain poured down and drowned her hair. The water streamed at the tips of several locks that had clit together because of the wet weather. Her clothes became heavy of the water. She kept running and didn’t stop. She didn’t look around. She bumped into people. Half of the times her eyes were closed because of the drops that fell on her eyelashes. She didn’t excuse herself when she would hear cursing behind her or felt the bump. She wouldn’t stop running. She needed to get to her goal. Her breathing became heavier with each step she took. Her clothes couldn’t hold the water anymore. Her t-shirt dropped the fluid in her pants and the trousers gave it to her socks and shoes or the ground. Hours she ran. She should have taken the car or a bus, but she hadn’t been thinking when she left the house. She was cold. Her clothes were drenched and the wind whipped her. It made her more determined to go on. She ran. She tried to wipe away her tears. But her face was wet of the rain and her tears and her hand was wet because of the drops. Her face stayed wet because of the fluids and it was impossible for her to dry.

She reached a house with a dark blue door and the golden number 24. She stopped running. She waited so she could catch her breath for a while. Then she ran up the five stairs and as a possessed person she began to rang the doorbell and knock on the door. Her tears hadn’t stopped flowing and the sky was still weeping while the wind kept punishing her for her stupidity. She heard someone urging down the stairs. When she heard this she stopped her mad behaviour. Now she felt how tired she was. Exhausted but her mind and heart were still working on an intense rate. She heard the lock being turned. Though she didn’t had enough air she stopped breathing for a second and held her breath until the doorknob turned and the door opened. She exhaled and looked at the familiar face which had opened its mouth to say something about her behaviour. But she cut it off by kissing its lips, still in tears. The face backs off and looks at her with big eyes, in complete shock. Then it notices her tears and the hands that belong to the same body as the face wipes them away. Concern was in the eyes.

She was led to a couch and offered a cup of tea. She noticed she was freezing. “I’ll be right back with a blanket.” She nodded and waited for the blanket. She installed herself as close as she could to the fireplace. She always thought it was weird to still have a fireplace when you can use gas to warm the house, but the fire was pleasant to her now. It made her feel enlightened and warm. She was offered a long blanket and the hands which had wiped away her tears installed a rack in front of the fire. She undressed herself under the blanket and held it close to her naked body, not knowing why she did this as the eyes that had looked at her in shock had seen her naked before. She hanged the clothes on the rack and placed herself comfortable in the couch drying her hair with a towel that she was given. She snuggled in the blanket and colour came back to her cheeks. “Why are you here?” She looked up uncertain which emotion was in that voice. She hesitated to answer and averted her eyes to stare in the fire, which was never as comforting before. The mouth sighed, obviously disappointed. She held back her tears that wanted to come up again. She tried to breathe calmly before she would answer. Looking up to the desired face she uttered that she was sorry for her outburst and everything she had done wrong in the past.

He stood up and came to sit beside her. He had put his arms around her. It was her turn to look surprised. She always thought he hated her. He had broken up because of her mistake and she had seen him date several girls before. Even last night when she stood at the same door as she had today she had seen a woman leave. She was devastated as she wanted to tell him how she missed him, how sorry she was and explain him that she was too proud to admit. When he had seen her, she began to run far away from him. She went home and thought deeply, which resulted in the solution of today. He stroked her hair, telling her how sorry he was. That he had been stubborn and missed her so much. He told her that she had always been in his heart and that he had hurt himself many times in his wait for her. He told her that he was self-centred and he never had wanted to break up in the first place as he actually had wanted to ask her to marry him but her mistake had made him so angry that he ended their relation. He let her go and walked to the fireplace. From the shelf he took a box. He sat down in the couch and opened it. He told her that this was the ring that he was going to give her. He changed his posture and sat as if he had told her a great secret and was scared to see or hear the reaction. She putted her hand on his wrist and pulled lightly so he would turn his face to hers. She reassured him that she wanted to begin a new again. She told him she wanted to everything to establish their relation again. He cried.

A woman came downstairs in his shirt calling out his name.  She sat frozen, she should have known. He wiped away his tears, stood up and asked her to get dressed. She pretended to be disappointed and pleaded to keep the shirt on. He ordered her to go upstairs and to get dressed. With a face that brimmed of anger she ran upstairs. He apologised to her and said he would send the girl away. When the woman was fully dressed and back downstairs, he told her to leave. He opened the door and pushed her out and said he had ordered a cab. He pushed some money in the woman’s hands and went back inside. When he came back he found her shocked. He didn’t think otherwise, it was what he expected. He took her hand and kissed it. He asked her to wait here and gave her a glass of wine. He went upstairs and changed the sheets of his bed. He looked around for stuff that could belong to a woman. He took everything in his hands and stuffed it in the trashcan. He aired his room and went back downstairs. He didn’t see her in the couch anymore so he went to look for her. His heart throbbed in his throat. He hoped she was still in the house. Then he heard the toilet and rushed to the couch to sit down.

She saw him waiting for her with worry on his face. This was a very awkward situation anyhow. She looked around for a bit and then she placed herself besides him on the couch. At that moment she was more timid. And he reacted in the same kind of way. Silence had crept between them and they heard each other’s breathe because of the silence. Sometimes their eyes would meet but then then looked the other way, fast. The atmosphere was more awkward and embarrassing. She knew she could have expected this. Ever since their break up he had a lot of one night stands and short relationships that were mostly physical. She moved herself closer to him to assure him that it was okay and that she had expected it. He looked up to her face with surprise and relieve on his. He moved his arm a bit and she putted her arms around him. He embraced her too. Tears streamed on his cheeks. He couldn’t believe that they had broken up once. He should never have dumped her. He loved her dearly. Even if this was the first time he saw her in months, the love felt strong and filled his whole body. She wiped away his tears and kissed him softly. He smiled faintly.

They were tired and went to bed. He was fast asleep, though she was still awake and thinking about everything that had happened. She was happy to know that he had to propose to her. She was happy because he forgave her. She was happy to be with him again. Still she was worried. She didn’t want it to end up wrong again. She wanted to stay with him and never lose him again. They were a pair.


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PyaariSammu  on says about chapter 1:
I'm a tad bit confused, was there a reason behind there breakup?

Shiny125  on says about chapter 1:
Why is she crying.....???
And why did they broke you??!!??????

Anoniem_Anime  on says about chapter 1:
Oh, this is so cute!!!!
I do wonder what her mistake was? What was so bad that made them break up?

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