First Kiss!

Rated M
by AmberKoreanSinger
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After a week,Taeyeon was happier and happier each time! She found a really nice girl to have by her side! Taeyeon was thinking about what Tiffany said her about her mother...She was feeling sorry about her best friend that her mother was dead! "Tif...Im really sorry what about you sayed...!" "Dont feel sorry...The god desite...about us! She was right..." "Right about what???" "That I will find someone loves me by chance or I will fall on him/HER by mistake!" Taryeon was thinking...Oh...the person that Tiffany was describing was...Taeyeon! "So want to say that..." "That the person that I want with me is YOU Tae!!!" "Me???Why??? I mean...I love you too but...we are known eachothee one week..." "Look Tae...maybe we know eachother but...we just know eachother and we havent find it yet!" "So Tif you mean that..." Taeyeon couldnt finish her sentence...Tiffany huged her and kissed her! Taeyeon kissed her back! They were kissing passionately! Taeyeon brusted Tiffany's her! Tiffany run her hands on Taeyeon's body! Taeyeon was feeling pleasure,Tifffany too! Tiffany started shacking Taeyeon's mouth! Taeyeon pull out the kiss! "Tae now did you understand what do I mean???" "Of course I do!!! I love you Tif,I really do" "I love you too are my everything!" They huged! Taeyeon fell for the first time really happy! "Tae would you like to come at my home today???" "Baby,I would like it so mach but I have to go home today,we have some works with my family..." "Ok then I will call you,ok???" "Ok baby see you...!!!" Taeyeon take the way to her home! She arrived at her dorm! "Hi Taeyeon,how is my princess???" "Prety fine dad!!!" "Did you find a boy???" "Oppa no!! No yet" "Anyway princess,are you ready for our work???" "Of course oppa!!,Omma we are leaving!" "Ok have fun!" Taeyeon and her father gone! After 2 hours at the car: "Hey dad when we arrive???" "I dont know Ta..." A car hit Taeyeon's father's car...Taeyeon hurted very bad,and her father... At the hospital: Taeyeon opened her eyes,she sow her mother and Tiffany! "Where am I??" "At the hospital,you had a car accident!" Her mother said! "Where is oppa,is he ok??" Taeyeon's mother started crying! "Omma why you are crying,what's wrong with my oppa???" Tiffany took a deep breath and touch Taeyeon's hand! "Tae please...keep calm...maybe your" "....." Taeyeon was ready to cry! "Baby please dont cry(Tiffany is crying) I know the pain,I feel your pain...its hard please dont cry!!!" "TIFFANY I LOSE MY FATHER HOW CAN I DONT CRY???" "BECAUSE IF IM WATCHING YOU CRYING I FEEL WORSE!!" "OK...but I cant do anything!!!" "Tae come here..." Tiffany huged Tae!! "We will deal it together,promise???" "Yes...I promise...please Tif...dont leave me...I love you" "I love you too baby,dont worry you can stay at my home,I live alone!" "Ok..." After a week,Taeyeon went to stay with Tiffany! Taeyeon knock the door! "Who is there???"Tiffany asked! "Baby Im here!" "Oh baby(Tiffany opened the door)come in!" Taeyeon went inside! "So Tif,how are you???" "Im prety fine when I am with you,you???" "I am better" "So baby I have a big program for tonight!!!:)" "Really Tif?? What about???" "So we will eat pizza,we will watch a movie,Titanic with popcorn and then we will find do something,im not sure!" "Ok lets eat and watch the movie!!" They ttook plates,cut the pizza and sat to the sofa! They played the movie! Taeyeon layed her head at Tiffany's shoulder! "Tiffany I want to drink!" "Tae its not healthy to drink! Now you are sad,you must not!" "Please Tif I need to drink,did you hear me??" "Ok ok ok! Wine or beer???" "Beer!!!" "Ok,im coming!" Taeyeon started drink!!! She drunk 4 bottles of beer! She felt dizy! The movie ended! Tiffany stant up and closed the TV! She sat again beside Taeyeon! Taeyeon layed Tiffany on the sofa and started kissing Tiffany's nack! "Baby you are drunk!" "No I know what I am doing,I want to kiss my girlfriend,is that bad???" "No no,move on!!!" Taeyeon was kissing Tiffany's neck! Tiffanu moaned! "Ahhh" "Tif do you like it???" "I love it!! Mow its my turn!" Now Tiffany sat on Taeyeon! She started kissing Taeyeon's neck! Taeyeon was feeling pleasure,she was liking it!!! "Oh I cant take it anymore!!" Taeyeon sayed that nd she started kissing Tiffany's lips! They were kissing passionately!!!They stant up while they were kissing and they went to Tiffany's room! Tiffany layed Taeyeon on the bed!! Taeyeon run her hands on Tiffany's back! Tiffany was touching Taeyeon's body and she was masaging it! "Ahhhh Tif..." "You moaned my name...I like it!" Taeyeon was kissing Tiffany's neck,Tiffany moaned too! "Ohhhh..." Tiffany bite her lips!!! Tiffany put off her shirt! Taeyeon that Tiffany was too hot and she was like it! They were kissing passionately,Tiffany put her toung into Taeyeon's mouth and she was shaking her mouth! Tiffany put Taeyeon's shirt off! They was feeling so pleasure! Tiffany tried to put Taeyeon's bro out but... "Tif please,Im not ready...sorry!!!" "Dont be sorry,I wont touch your private parts if you dont want yet! So lets sleep!!!" "Ok baby,thank you for understand!!!" "Dont thank me,I love you!!" They slept in a hug!!!


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AmberKoreanSinger [A]  on says about chapter 1:
Guys please read my story♥

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