Upvote Nothing out of Ordinary

Rated M
by IchySlanimirc
| 85 views | Updated | Created
Tags   suspense   | Report Content



History never stops, people's wrong deeds will never disappear and their effect will always chase innocents.
And that's it. Nothing is out of ordinary.

But what's ordinary? Is it ordinary to take a walk and vanish for the eternity? Well, if it is, then it is.
Have a seat and drink some coffe. Then leave the little basement, get lost in the sight of the lampions made from newspapers you don't understand anything from.
And prepare for to end in every minute.
It's not out of ordinary.

This is the story of an another, mad-new world and the casual people there, like you or me, sitting here...



"I don't know why, I can't give a reason or describe. Sometimes I just want to hide my face, and lose my eyesight. I wonder what would be around, if my pupils were crystal clearly white, just like those silly fireflies on the sharp evening sky. If these black spots of ink wouldn't devour, but mirror back every single teardrop of light. I wonder... I wonder why...

The worn room with cracked walls, the bed with three people lying and one being awake, the scorched books around on the junk shelves and the yawning morning sunlight.
She couldn't get a single bit of sleep. Just staring at the ceiling and the pattern of the dust, the dirt the cracks and ridden want. Through the fan sometimes covered some of them, she couldn't direct her eyesight anywhere else. Everybody was sleeping silently in the empty wilderness of the so-called dream world, even her twin sister, breathing smoothly despite her place in the corner under the desk, sitting. Fr a stray moment, she thought that she should wake her up and change their places, but she felt herself being somehow paralyzed.
So, being locked is like this. She wondered in herself. This cold and vitriolic. This cruel.

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