Upvote The A-Z of The Vampire Diaries

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The A-Z of The Vampire Diaries - smut drama comedy originalcharacter vampire thevampirediaries tvshow - main story image



Most TVD Characters + [O.C's] Liliana & Peyton


A spin-off/side project of Avoiding Responsibility (My full-length TVD fanfic)
Nonsensical scenarios written on whims, most including original characters Liliana and Peyton.



The A-Z of The Vampire Diaries
How Far Is Too Far?

The Vampire Diaries

Humour, Crack, Smut, Rare Angst

Almost all will have their moments.

Theme Song
Individual songs will be marked each chapter.

Start Date
31st July 2013 [Original]
3rd April 2020 [Reboot]

End Date

Swearing, Sex, Crazy Nonsense, Alcohol/Substance Abuse, Character Abuse, Misguided Intentions, NSFW, General Mind-Fuckery. It's probably best not to read this if you're a sensitive person.





Prompt List


A - Alcohol
* The cause of, and solution to all life's problems.

B - Baby
* The result of unprotected sex; A little helpless thing that cries, poops, pees, sleeps, eats, etc.
C - Cupcake
* When a muffin is consumed by magic.
* Or Weed…

D - Dirt
* Gossip, bad information.
* That brown stuff on the ground - soil, earth.

E - Everyday Life
* Extreme cognitive dissonance.
* Intellectually or emotionally overwhelming.

F - Friends
* Temporary alliances in pursuit of mutual goals.
* People who are aware of how retarded you are and still manage to be seen in public with you.

G - Girl’s Night Out
* When a group of women get together to complain about men, problems with men, or the lack of men.
* Usually involves acting in a manner in which any man who sees them would sever all ties with said women, should that man know them.
* A good opportunity to change the locks on the doors.

H - Hangover
* This is the perfect example of the phrase, “No good deed goes unpunished.”
* That annoying period between inebriation. Can also be avoided by continuously consuming alcohol until dead.

I - Internet
* A vast array of pornography and advertisements.

J - Jealousy
* The real or perceived threat of the loss of a valued relationship to a rival.
* Love and Hate at the same time.

K - Karma
* Smackdown of the Gods.

L - Lust
* Often confused with love. It is purely physical attraction and has nothing to do with lasting effect of the latter.

* A deadly and evil corporation capable of emitting powerful waves of superficiality that can reduce a teenager's brain mass into excrement in mere seconds.
* Disguises nefarious intentions of gaining wealth from the idiotic with incessant marketing/brainwashing.

N - New Years Eve
* The one night of the year when getting drunk and making a fool of yourself is not optional, but in fact mandatory.
* A night when groups of adults get drunk and use explosives when intoxicated.

O - Orgasm
* Something that's addictive.
* The meaning of life.
* Religion without scepticism.

P - Premature Exasperation
* Becoming upset about something before knowing all (or any) of the details.

Q - Quickie
* A sexual activity done in a quick, orderly fashion as to not spoil the moment.

R - Rejected
* So close - and yet so far.

S - Social Terrorism
* When someone you know comes to visit unexpectedly and inconveniently, often staying for a long time, and you can't tell them to leave without being rude.

T - Therapy
* A process in which a false relationship between a counsellor/psychotherapist and patient is created.
* The process usually ends in a painful abandonment and makes the patient feel way worse than when they started.

U - Underwear
* A nonsensical device designed to abate the process of dressing and undressing.
* Undergarments with unnecessary and mind-boggling fasteners and straps that act as puzzling impediments.

V - Vampire
* A blood-sucking creature who is NOT a sparkling douchebag in a fucking tree.
* Life-Size Maxi Pads

W - We Need To Talk
* You are screwed.

X - Xbox
* A hideous weapon released by Microsoft designed to brainwash males ranging from ages 6-1000+

Y - You Mad, Bro?
* The automatic response to a person who has just raged or rage-quitted.
* To make a raging person rage even more by asking the most ironic question.

Z - Zoo
* A place to go to see exotic animals for a small fee.
* A person, place, or event that is out of control, or full of drunken, vomiting, and/or passed out people.




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