Upvote 5 ❝ ✳ PAPER STARS // 별。layout gallery Completed!

by ByungKitty
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me and my imaginary unicorns.












 Paper Stars

 Paper Stars




please note that this is a layout gallery and not a layout shop. this layout gallery

was originally made for asianfanfics. you can check out the original gallery here.

i also do believe i am not breaking the rules. i'm not using any kpop idols, okay?














Make a Wish

Make a Wish




✳ o1 // 넬。dolphins + bubbles

✳ o2 // 핑크。pink + petals

✳ o3 // 비。ugh + rain

✳ o4 // 바보。love fool

✳ o5 // 바가。otaku + vocaloid

✳ o6 // 꽃。traveling + pastels

✳ o7 // 에릭남。eric nam + heaven's door

✳ TUTORIAL // 01。background music

 o8 // 치즈。 say "cheese"

 o9 // 뽀빠。 bubble tea

 10 // 사탕。dum dums

✳ 11 // 치비。chibi anime

✳ 12 // 별。luma, the star


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tsukinoazusa  on says about chapter 9:
Love your layouts! it so cute!! :3

Dae_kitty  on says about chapter 9:
I will be using this one^^

unicornhealining  on says about chapter 4:
just using < 3

Jade6767  on says:
I love your layouts <3

LizDreamland  on says about chapter 1:
Congrats on the featured~

PrincessNana  on says about chapter 5:
I will use no.5, the otaku, Thankies^^ I love your layouts

cray_zehgbaby  on says about chapter 4:
I'm using the love one. Thanks~

pixiedust  on says about chapter 2:
Will use no 2, the pink petals. Thanks~ Your layouts are so pretty :)

Ailsa_Ali  on says about chapter 13:
I'm using the Luma one.

ilovedaej  on says about chapter 8:
thanks for this c:

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