by digitalsea  
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Tags   application applyfic codelyoko  | Report Content

username // nickname // activity: 0 out of 5    CODE: LYOKO



positives: At least 5
Negatives: At least 5

Expand your paragraph here. Make sure it is at least two paragraphs. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus finibus tellus nec ipsum imperdiet ullamcorper. Curabitur dolor ligula, rhoncus id elit eu, posuere luctus magna. In nec risus lacinia, auctor ex rhoncus, accumsan nulla. Donec viverra est vitae blandit venenatis. Pellentesque vulputate mi tellus, eget dignissim tortor posuere eget. Proin porta risus non augue pretium, eget vulputate dui tempus. Pellentesque tincidunt sed elit vitae efficitur.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus finibus tellus nec ipsum imperdiet ullamcorper. Curabitur dolor ligula, rhoncus id elit eu, posuere luctus magna. In nec risus lacinia, auctor ex rhoncus, accumsan nulla. Donec viverra est vitae blandit venenatis. Pellentesque vulputate mi tellus, eget dignissim tortor posuere eget. Proin porta risus non augue pretium, eget vulputate dui tempus. Pellentesque tincidunt sed elit vitae efficitur. Nullam vitae enim viverra, posuere metus eu, aliquam turpis. Praesent molestie mauris in arcu mattis suscipit. Aliquam gravida metus ac orci suscipit, mattis efficitur erat aliquet. Nulla egestas velit eros, vitae blandit nisi venenatis vel. Duis eget ligula ex.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus finibus tellus nec ipsum imperdiet ullamcorper. Curabitur dolor ligula, rhoncus id elit eu, posuere luctus magna. In nec risus lacinia, auctor ex rhoncus, accumsan nulla.

— relation / name / age / occupation / traits / interactions
— relation / name / age / occupation / traits / interactions
— relation / name / age / occupation / traits / interactions
— relation / name / age / occupation / traits / interactions

— relation / name / age / occupation / traits / interactions
— relation / name / age / occupation / traits / interactions
— relation / name / age / occupation / traits / interactions
— relation / name / age / occupation / traits / interactions


Likes  (at least 5)
—  here

Dislikes (at least 5)

Hbbits ( at least 5)


hobbies ( at least 4)


Fears ( at least 4)


trivia (go crazy)


I am a Lyoko Warrior

Plotline: Here

Lyoko Outfit: please be descriptive, use pictures as guides if you need to! The sky is the limit~

Vehicle(s) : Goes Here

Weapons: Here

Powers: Here

Anything else I missed? : Goes Here.

Fullname: here

birthday: 00/00/00

grade: pick one
[  ] freshman  [  ] sophomore
[  ] Junior       [  ] Senior

ethnicity: here

- here / fluency / explanation 
- here / fluency / explanation
(shift + enter for more)

faceclaim: here / link
Back-up face claim: here /link

height/wight: lbs / kg ; in / cm

appearance: if different from your face claim

- casual: here
- formal: here
- other: here

love interestname here
personalitygoes here. copy and paste from your love interest's application. take note that it must be about two paragraphs. 
love storyThis includes how you met. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus finibus tellus nec ipsum imperdiet ullamcorper. Curabitur dolor ligula, rhoncus id elit eu, posuere luctus magna. In nec risus lacinia, auctor ex rhoncus, accumsan nulla.
interactionsHow you guys act around each other. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus finibus tellus nec ipsum imperdiet ullamcorper. Curabitur dolor ligula, rhoncus id elit eu, posuere luctus magna. In nec risus lacinia, auctor ex rhoncus, accumsan nulla.
endingGoes Here

last comment(s)Here
scene Request(s)
— Here
— Here
passwordGoes Here




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