The Natural Mind
by milliepalmer
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The book called The Natural Mind: An Investigation of Drugs and the Higher Consciousness by A. Weil (2004) discovers various problems connected with human nature. Since the book’s essential topic concerns drugs and drug abuse, the author has to define a number of concepts which serve as a helpful tool to denote the aspects which influence the drug abuse problem.
One of the important concepts is consciousness. In order to investigate the influence of various factors on consciousness, the author introduces two terms of his own invention, ‘solar mind’ and ‘lunar mind,’ which, he believes, have a special value for the main topic of the book explanations.
Creating the two terms, the author defines one of the ideas: the key idea why people take drugs is the desire of their consciousness to get higher. This idea determines the aim of the author to include these terms into his practice. To understand what the notions exactly mean, it is necessary to investigate the human psyche and analyze behavior samples, which are based on results and consequences.
In accordance with the author, solar and lunar mindsets are completely opposite. The key differences between the two mindsets consist in the area of expertise. Thus, people who possess the solar set of mind can be characterized as conscious, superficial, and sober. They tend to perform everyday activities connected with task management in a purely perfect way.
On the contrary, people with the lunar set of mind have the other absolutely controversial features of character. These can have easy access to drugs and other psychedelic substances, and view them as an easy way to escape from reality. In addition, these people do not always perform in the best way at work, since they are not interested in positive outcomes.
The conclusions that are made by the expert are reasonable. He is convinced that solar mind representatives are fond of dancing, club life, alcohol, and drugs. They use all these aspects of their life to a great extent. This frequently leads to drug abuse. The author makes a small notice on the alcohol: what is interesting, despite the fact that lunar mindset people got used to take drugs, they are not always supporters of alcohol drinks and can stay sober for a long time. This is the only similarity between solar and lunar mindsets.
Furthermore, the conclusions the author made coincide with scientific facts, which, certainly, do not use the terms ‘solar’ and ‘lunar’ mindset; however, psychologists often connect the features of character and the state of consciousness to the habits a person appears to have throughout his/her life.
In conclusion, people with the lunar mindset are more frequently witnessed to take drugs and the cases of their drug abuse treatment are more and more complicated. In other words, these people are difficult to deal with medicine which performs preventative and treating function in drug takers. People with the solar mindset, on the contrary, are almost never seen to be taking drugs. This is caused, in accordance with Weil’s investigation, by their active lifestyle and the substantial amount of work they are expected to fulfill in order to achieve the best results.
Thi review was prepared by Millie Palmer who is a talented writer at writing elites. She likes to depict his thoughts on the paper.
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