Aug 13 / Female
Joined on Apr 17, 2016
Last login on Apr 25, 2016
0 karma pts
Personal Message
An awkward turtle will forever be awkward. Embrace the awkward, turtle. Don't ever change.
About Me
Ayo ~! My name is Britt !
Write on my wall, PM me, do whatever you please. Don't be afraid, love.
Now, get off my wall. Only kidding, stay as long as your heart desires, my dear.♥ xoxox
You gotz a tumblr ?
So do I.
Let's tumble together baby ;)))
I am a roleplayer. Come find me if you can. I dare you. ;))) <3
Yes, I am on asianfanfics; SHINeeTae (trying to get more karma to change the name so it matches this one).
Yes, I did use the same about me and personal message on both. Don't judge me.
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