Puerto Rico
Joined on Jun 19, 2013
Last login on May 13, 2016
104 karma pts
“Here I am...”
Personal Message
Why I'm here? Well, I'm just tired of the same asian cliche fictions... lmao!
Who am I?
I'm not sure xD
What I want?
To be able to share the stories my distorted mind came up with... I'm not an expert (I'm even majoring in medicines) but hey! I'm trying! lmao!
About Me
I'm an open minded young woman who likes to read and write. I'm not awesome at it, but I would enjoy a good story every now and then...
I came here dramaticaly escaping from the dreaded arms of 'trending' (xD)
I'm open for any suggestion, critism, and even a fight if you want to! (lol)
If you DARE to add me as a friend, I would most likely ADD you because I'm nice and I like to make friends :)
If I EVER offend someone with my language or my opinion, I am deeply sorry (NOT REALLY)
Lol! I already like you all! Let's be friends!
Gily ~
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