Joined on Feb 20, 2014
Last login on Apr 21, 2015
9 karma pts
“you wonder if you've always been invisible”

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time for miracles

Time passes but nothing changes. No one makes the effort to change anything. I guess the world is just like that - spinning on its axis and waiting for the humans inhabiting it to become sane again. There is no sane or insane in society now. We blame each other for problems stemmed from our own issues. We reap havoc to meet the destruction of others. It's a never ending cycle of I-blame-you and you-blame-me.
It's not depression - it's expression. It's not crying - it's breathing.
It's not living - it's dying.
It's late at night, and I can't sleep Missing you just runs too deep Oh I can't breathe, thinking of your smile Every kiss I can't forget This aching heart ain't broken yet Oh God, I wish I could make you see 'Cause I know this flame isn't dying So nothing can stop me from trying
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