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Apple iPad Air Vs Amazon Kindle Fire HDX Has iPad Air Found A Match?
The Apple iPad Air has been the most selling tablet of the season and has easily outclasses any Android tablet that has been launched so far. First of all, Apple wins by the number of applications: app to record phone calls iphone, photo processing program, productivity applications, etc. However, the Amazon Kindle Fire HDX is giving the iPad tough competition and offers many features that are at par or better than the iPad Air.
Apple iPad Air Vs Amazon Kindle Fire HDX
In terms of display quality the Kindle Fire HDX beats iPad Air hands down. The 8.9 inch screen of the Kindle is smaller than the 9.7 inch screen of iPad Air, but the HDX screen quality of Kindle surpasses all benchmarks that the iPad Air had previously set. The Kindle Fire HDX is brighter than the iPad Air and provides a higher black level as well. The pixel density and maximum contrast ratio of Kindle Fire HDX are higher than that of the iPad Air as well.
The Kindle Fire HDX screen is richer and more vibrant than iPad Air’s and provides a better viewing experience for the same kind of media.The screen aspect of the iPad is still 4:3 while Kindle Fire HDX has already adopted the more common 16:9 aspect ratio which is popular for most video files.
iPad Air gets some respite in this department as the new A7 processor outperforms the 2.2 GHz processor of the Kindle Fire HDX. The iPad Air beats Kindle Fire HDX in terms of processing speed as well as graphic rendering and physics capabilities.
Apple did not make any changes to the iPad Air from its previous iPad 4 and it still sports a 5 megapixel rear camera. The Kindle Fire HDX on the other hand features an impressive 8 megapixel rear camera as well as a front camera which is capable of recording video at 720p resolution.
The Apple iPad Air has different models that come with different types of connectivity options. You can get cellular connectivity in the form of 2G, 3G and LTE data. The Kindle Fire HDX on the other comes with WiFi as well as cellular connectivity in all but the basic models. Both the tablets support dual band WiFi and can transfer data at up to 300 Mbps on compatible browsers.
The Apple iPad Air Vs Amazon Kindle Fire HDX battle remains inconclusive. Most loyal Apple fans will prefer to buy the sleep new Air which boasts a larger screen and a better processor. Kindle Fire HDX users will benefit from better connectivity, camera quality and a lower price. However the cheaper version of the Kindle Fire HDX is ad supported and anyone who does not want ads ruining their tablet experience will either have to pay more for an ad free version or they would want to stay away from this device.
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