chitanda's Subscribed Author Stories

Just Like Your Father [Complete]

by Tsuyukii
Last updated on
Characters: Harry Potter, Sirius Black, and others
Tags: harrypotter angst oneshot siriusblack
| Chapters: 1 | Subscribers: 3 | Views: 2675 | Comments: 9 |

Sirius Black, after twelve years in Azkaban, clearly did not leave unharmed. Now when he stares at his godson, Harry James Potter, why is it that he can only see his old friend and fellow Maraude... Read More

Alone [Complete]

by Tsuyukii
Last updated on
Characters: Sawada Tsunayoshi and Hibari Kyoya
Tags: khr 1827 sawadatsunayoshi hibarikyoya
| Chapters: 1 | Views: 1875 | Comments: 5 |

Despite what you all may think, Hibari Kyoya despised being alone. And a certain herbivore named Sawada Tsunayoshi came into his life to change his loneliness. It was thanks to him that he no lon... Read More

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