3 Sidelines ★ Completed!
by MidnightNightingale
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January, 2014
I have three more months before I graduate. Three more months of high school. Three more months of projects, assignments, and brain-wrecking quizzes.
Just three more months.
I have three more months left to watch him. Three more months of wishing that he’d look my way. Three more months of hoping that I could talk to him.
Only three more months.
Yet, it makes no difference…
Because for him, my affection is nothing but a speck of dust.
And I am nothing but air.
This story is dedicated to a dear friend of mine. May you find that person who will love you the way you want to be loved. :)
Ayo~! I'm new here and this will be the first story I publish in this site. Please take care of me! I'm looking forward to my stay here!
Credits to LIL PIGGY of The Nerds Graphic Shop for the awesome poster, background, and trailer~! Thank you so much~!
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Anggie on says about chapter 1:
Some of us had experienced onesided love, we all knew how bad it was.
This was sad, but at the end, it gave us hope. I just looove that last paragraph :)
cutieflower133 on says:
Oh my god I wish there was more *^*
cutieflower133 on says:
Oh my god I wish there was more *^*
cutieflower133 on says:
Oh my god I wish there was more *^*
FallinginFall on says:
This is really cute and sad in the same way. I just always thinks just like you crave that one person, see and feel them everywhere, hand onto their every word, so does someone feel the same way about you.
byzelo on says about chapter 1:
v exactly what thewendy said, omg.
If this is the past me reading this, I would be, awww.
But I kind of, felt sad. I don't know, I just felt so so sad.
He'll never notice me, I tried getting over him but I never succeeded in doing so.
I just- I just want to be happy, yknow?
It's kind of sad and pathetic like, I'm just at the sideline.
I guess I just never had the thought that I might just be someone's sideline.
This story really, kind of gave me hope.
I really wish I can talk to my crush soon or something but I guess, it seems really impossible.
Well, I'll find someone better than him, I guess.
thewendy on says about chapter 1:
This is exactly how I feel everyday with my crush. And its so hard to get over him because i just can't. Damn, this story gives me hope.
Jade6767 on says:
It seems very interesting!
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