by roxana
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SHE | ACCURSED - original fantasy adventure - main story image



Annabella Reed, Josh Cohen, Loretta Wilson, Warwick Rutherford


Long time ago an old sorcerer fell in love with the young and beautiful lady. He tried so hard to capture her heart but nothing worked. All because he was old and ugly.

Slowly he started obsessively watch her until the day he realized something. Every man in the village was in love with her.

And she...

She used them as marionettes for her own purposes.

This angered the sorcerer.

To take revenge on the young lady, he traveled to the island of sirens. And made a pact with them. He throw spell on the waters of the ocean which carried the sweet melody of the sirens. Which now could attract sailors from the remotest parts of the ocean. And eat them.

In return, they had to guard her on a small island until a young man will come and free her.

One night when the storm raged, he kidnapped her from her chamber and took to sirens. Jealous of her beauty, sirens started to wail. To silence them, sorcerer covered half of her body with lizard scales. However for him it didn't lower her beauty.

Throwing her last glance, sorcerer changed into bird and flew away.

He has cursed her.

And this curse is difficult to take away.  



Anabella Reed - accursed lady
Josh Cohen - young thief
Loretta Wilson - good woman
Wawrick Rutherford - sorcerer
Tags: fantasy, adventure, original
Created: Aug 8, 2014

Story written by Roxana
Any similarities to other stories are pure coincidence.
This story is not based on any movie, book etc.
Please don't plagiarize or edit and use as your own.


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