First Pregnancy

by yuki_chicken
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lol another chapter

To say that a pregnancy was easy was an understatement.

pfft....whoever said it needs to die in a ditch....

Anyway, from the first announcement in the stadium of his pregnancy, Midorima suffered...a lot.

A lot of people were actually severely worried about his pregnancy from the start. After Kazunari found out, however, it seemed like the pregnancy was kicking him in the ass. From high fevers to fainting spells and everything in between, the poor megane was put on a severe bed rest. Everyone thought that when the baby was about to be born, then it would be safe for him.

They were so wrong.

The night that Midorima went into labor, he accumulated a very high fever and he was barely conscious the entire time. He barely even had the strength to push the baby out. Once the baby was out, however, the situation took a turn for the worse.

Due to losing so much blood and going into a state of shock, the greenette was brought into an immediate emergency surgery. The surgery was a success and the boy was put on another bed rest for a couple of weeks.

Although, it was sad, Midorima still had the strength to smile through his weakness and greet his beautiful baby boy named Haru.



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