Upvote Limerence

by ThePenguinlovestory
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Title: Limerence

Author: ThePenguinlovestory

Genre: slice of life, Angst, Romance, AU, friends-to-lovers, Omegaverse, Smut

Main: Original Characters

Length: TBA (40+)

Beta: Me

Rated 18+

Inspiration(s): I crave romance, and it's autumn. Please enjoy!

Update Schedule: Fridays, but, honestly, whenever the mood strikes.  

House-keeping: This is the rated-18+ version of my Yunjae fanfic, which you can find on AFF through this link if you only read Yunjae - https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1601656 

I also have an AO3 account, and this version is posted there as well, if you prefer reading on that platform -- https://archiveofourown.org/works/59691832/chapters/152246398

I will come out and say it: I would really, really love it if you could share your thoughts with me as you read, or even after! It’s been a bit quiet, and while I know we’re all busy, I can’t express enough how much I’d appreciate any comment. Whether it’s something you loved, disliked, or just wanted to rant about—I’m here for all of it!

  I am a comment-whore. Therefore, please bless my whoreness with comments. Thank you. Be blessed—lots of bo.

Thank you for reading!




       Kazir, a 31-year-old systems engineer, has spent his entire life hiding his status as an omega. Tall, muscular, and independent, he never fit the typical omega stereotype. From a young age, he decided to live as a beta, concealing his second gender to avoid society’s prejudice. His hormone chip suppresses any sign of his omega nature, and he’s built a successful life filled with hobbies like cycling, hiking, and photography—yet something feels missing.

      When Kazir starts spending more time with Adisa, an alpha he meets through a group date dinner he was forced to attend, he begins to confront feelings he's long kept buried. Their friendship deepens, but Kazir is unsettled by the strange sensations he experiences around Adisa, including the possibility that his carefully maintained hormonal balance may be slipping. Meanwhile, his family pressures him to settle down, to embrace love and connection. But Kazir isn't sure he's ready for that kind of vulnerability—especially not with an alpha.

       As Kazir wrestles with his identity, his fears of being outed as an omega, and his growing closeness to Adisa, he’s forced to reconsider what it means to truly live authentically. Torn between the safety of the life he’s built and the possibility of deeper companionship, Kazir must decide whether he's willing to risk everything to experience love, friendship, and the freedom to be himself.

        This story explores themes of identity, societal expectations, and the search for genuine connection, set against the backdrop of a world where omegas, alphas, and betas navigate complex dynamics of power and intimacy.


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