by YourWriter and SteezyTwee |
Tags   romance   angst   drama   | Report Content



The next morning I awoke to the sound of happy birds singing and the whistling of the butler outside banging on the door, “What?!!” I shrieked.


I stumbled towards the door, pulling it open and squinting into the openly grinning face of my personal butler Monsieur Alfred. “Hold on…” I muttered.


I gave myself the mental up and down, checking for presentability. God I look horrible…wait, its my personal butler…why am I doing this?!
Alfred walked into my room wielding his platter of breakfast dishes. He placed the whole platter on my bedside and proceeded to busy himself around the room, picking up yesterdays clothes, still damp from the rain. “Miss Cinderella, would you like to hear your schedule for today?” he inquired with a silky tone to his voice, no disdain, just acceptance of what is to come. The perfect butler.


I made a face and sighed,” will it matter whether I say no or not?” I already knew the answer, but this routine never ends. I shuffled over to the bench that was set in front of my parlor mirror.


“ 8:00 o’clock breakfast (it is currently 8:02), 9:00 o’clock you have a lesson with your mother, who is going over the caretaking of land today (so I suggest wearing a more outdoors type of dressing, and your leatherskin boots.) Midday tea at 1 o’clock, 2 o’clock Hunting with your father and his acquaintances, 10 o’clock dinner and 12 o’clock slumber. This is your itinerary for today. Are you pleased with this?”

I let out a slow despaired breath, “Will what I say change anything?”

“Would you like for me to request anything from your mother?” he inquired, he probably gets paid well, I mean he has to put up with the stepmonster making itineraries and such. 


“I have no changes to request, I’m not saying I’m happy with it, but I’m saying that I have no changes to make.” If I argue she’ll go full medusa on me. I stuck my chin at the mirror in my parlor, “’You are a Bella and never forget that.’” I repeated the last words my Nonna spoke to me on her deathbed the memories washed over me, shadows of playing with my Nonna chasing each other in my mind. “Alfred, “I kept my voice steady, cold. “Leave me, I will change into my morning attire.”


He nodded sagely, knowing there wouldn’t be a need to humor/persuade me to do anything today. ” I will call the dressing maid.”

“No, I will dress myself.” I never let anyone dress me but Nonna. Alfred nodded, gliding towards the door, opening, leaving, and closing it gently behind him. I tramped towards the part of my room I hated most...my closet. I didn’t like it, it was too lavish, it reminded me too much of how strong my stepmothers influence is inside my home, because it was the forever constant reminder of my mother’s and my grandmothers absence in my life. The reminder that my father had moved on and forgotten about the both of them, easing into our new life with another woman.
I sighed and shoved the ornate baby pink tudor styled door of my closet back and shuffled into the room. Walking in and closing the door sighing, barely containing a sob of remembrance, remembering my mother and grandmother always did this to me… turned me into a blubbering slob of tears and childish pain. Get it together stupid…. I slowly stood, walking silently toward the center of my room, looking through the rose window at the outlying trees. I shrugged off my slumber shift and began dressing, “Lets see….Pink? Nooo, Blue? Good choice but that will dirty much too easily.” I tested my posh accent which had lost its edge whilst I was waltzing around town with the townsfolk. “I say this fine day shall be full of superfluous surprises.” I practiced lilting my words perfectly, and at the same time slipping from my shift to my silks. I straightened and quickly exited my wardrobe room, to see myself in my parlor mirror. “You are beautiful, strong, and enduring, like a rose” I chanted to myself, “You are a Bella.” I repeated this three times before satisfyingly walked towards my matress and sat, sighing how long till I get freedom? I shrugged off the negativity I felt, and focused on planning how to free myself from my fathers authority.


A/N: I'm very sorry I couldnt update sooner and i couldnt make the chapter longer >,<

I'm very busy brainstorming about things that are going to be happening at the shop.
I'm working on a hectic schedule
It's almost the end of school, whatcha gonna make me do? xP

This chapter serves as an intermediary chapter connecting the next chapter to the others.


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