Upvote Searching for Inspiration

by bluestockings
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Tags   angst   original   fantasy   psychological   depression   | Report Content




Sitting alone in my room beneath the sunlight that dances through my dusty shutters I wonder what else is out there.

My being yearns for an incentive to what I do and an explanation of how I should view the world.

It slowly becomes dull and dark but I know and feel my muse coming to me, I am not sure when or how but it will come and save me from the depths of my boredom and dissapointmet with everyday life.

I wish the world was as vibrant and whimsical as the stories I've read alone but I know it cannot be.

I can, however, create my own world and shape the images I see each day for the better.

All I need is an inspiration.




I am allergic to the emptiness and insincere actions of those around me.

Its a concoction of their own poison and it burns me. It is a severe pain that etches against my skin from their brazen words and loveless responses. 

My blood boils from the poverty I see in the world they call beautiful.

I am now blind to their daily rituals in order to see the purity of the place I once called home.



All is not lost, for it is only my mindset that deters from me seeing the last of humanity in them. It is me who has lost touch with the world as I have no one to pull me out from my void.

To be able to return to reality and from slipping into darkness I must find it.

My inspiration.



That sounded quite angsty even for my taste. To clarify, this is the story of a person falling into depression who is aware of her situation. It is the feeling of being lost in the darkness and not understanding the beauty people see. Almost indifferent to the world.

However this person is aware of the fact of her instability and is coping by searching for something or someone that can save her from her illness.  Not really as a prince to save the damsel, but someone who has the beauty and knowledge of the world to inspire her. Thus the inspiration can slowly brighten her life.

It's not just one person who will save her but multiple, don't worry it's not going to have kpop idols, only the occurrences I see and can conjure.

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