Upvote The User and the Used

by jj_maple
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When a person is being used by a person who they don’t really know, it doesn’t really hurt them. When a person is being used by a person they know and trust, it hurts. A lot. The difference here is that if you actually know the person, the pain of losing your trust in them hurts that much more because the person you thought you knew isn’t really who they are.

That’s happened to me before.




Hi, my name is Jewel Grende, it’s a weird name but I like it, unique would be one way of describing it but recently a new girl just moved into my school, she is in the eight year level and her name is Jewel Ly. I’m a seventh grader, one year younger than the other Jewel, and currently, I am 13 years old. I have long brown hair that I normally keep in a ponytail and both of my parents are a doctor which means that I come from a ‘wealthy’ family as some might call it. I call it ‘fortunate’, it sounds more proper compared to saying ‘rich’ and the like.

I go to a public school despite this because my parents want me to experience a ‘normal’ life without being ‘judged’. Private schools are probably better though. I say this because of what happened a couple of years ago. When I was in Grade 5, my ‘best’ friend, Sharon McGreen, became my ‘best’ enemy. I remember it all just as if it were yesterday

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IFeelGood  on says:
You know that feeling when you kind of feel like crying and your nose kinda hurts?
So totally happening to me right now....

Fantasy  on says:
Very interesting

DiamondPop  on says:

DiamondPop  on says:
I'm not sure if this is scary or not but it sounds alright :)

bi-polar  on says:
would you like a poster for your fic? if so please visit
bi-polar graphics
thanks :D

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