Videogames Fanfiction

Toroko Got Fingered [Complete]

by xandermartin98 updated on
Tags: crackfic fanfic satire parody videogames cavestory freddygotfingered
Chapters: 6 |

In probably the literal most underrated Cave Story fanfic of all time, Jack plays the role of Tom Green in what is presumably a parody of Freddy Got Fingered, only the difference is that this sto... Read More

Path Astray

by GiveMariCookies updated on
Tags: anime crossover pokemon videogames fireemblem
Chapters: 4 |

No one outside of Ash's circle knows what really happened to him. In fact, no one actually knows where he had... Read More

Swords and Tomes

by GiveMariCookies updated on
Tags: romance family videogames fea fireemblem
Chapters: 6 |

Inigo definitely had no idea of the life he got into the moment he proposed to Morgan. But hey! At least his life won't be so boring with the positive and energetic amnesiac he calls his wife, an... Read More

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