Course, Professor and Recommendation

by firemoth_007
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Course, Professor and Recommendations




The course in general was really fun. To be honest, it was very easy. It's just that I was a little lazy because most of the requirements ar long haul. And I hate long haul requirements.

I enjoyed making websites. It is a hobby of mine. I would link all my websites in the ePortfolio but I'm afraid of what you might find there, so I better not.

What I did not enjoy was working in a group. In general, I am an introvert but I can actually work with people when I want to. But I have to admit that the groupwork in this course was a nightmare for me. I had no help in making both of our websites. I know I volunteered for making it but asking help for revision wasn't that much, was it? All I was asking for was pointers and the information to incorporate but no one ever gave it to me so I just let the websites sit there unrevised. I apologize for it because I know that we should actually revise it but I was just really ticked off that no one was helping me from my group. My bad.


Sir Ferdie was really nice and such a fun person. Our classes are never dull. He also gives reasonable deadlines. He always have these stories that make us laugh.

If there is one thing that I will remember about Sir Ferdie is how he always say that we should at least try teaching in the public schools. It is our job as "iskolar ng bayan" to give back to the people who are paying for our education.

When I teach in the future, I want to be well loved like Sir Ferdie.


I wish that the course had more hands on lessons like teaching us about certain software that could be of use to us when we become teachers. Most of the things we tackled here, I already know through the internet. I wish they'd given us crash courses to using programs that we will need to use as teachers. Some of us really need it. I literally wanted to jump into the pool when I found out that none of my groupmates know how to use  any movie editting program. (I know how but my laptop is so old and slow, it hangs whenever I try to open Movie Maker so I wouldn't dare install Vegas or After Effects in it. My groupmates had Mac and its preinstalled programs but never touched it before and I just wanted to cry at the spoiled software).

I also wish that we had better equipment because the computers always lag or hang.

layout by firemoth_007










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