
by BeHappy
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October - original originalstory highschool originalcharacter schoollife bully - main story image





Time flew by despite the torment Cindy received and before they knew it, it was October already. By now, Cindy had caught onto her classmates' tricks somewhat. 
She tip-toed to her locker early in the morning, trying to avoid anything that was going to come at her. It wasn't that she was afraid, it was just annoying and bothersome to deal with all the tricks played on her.
Out of all the pranks, the bucket full of chalk dust was probably the worst. It was beyond annoying and all she could do was be a white-haired Asian girl for the rest of the school day until lunch, when she was able to get out and clean up. Sometimes she was lucky and she managed to dodge most of the dust, other times not so lucky. 
Cindy pulled open the door to the wing her locker was in but stopped immediately. Did she leave her lunch at home? She fumbled through her bag. It was there. 
She looked forward and found a pile of white stuff on the floor. Her eyes went wide. She had barely escaped that. How horrible would it have been to start off the school day with white, chalk-dust covered hair? Cindy shivered at the thought.
With more caution, she made her way to her locker. In colorful sharpie were the words 


Along with the little pleasant message, there were drawings...rude drawings. Cindy raised her eyebrows with a tight smile. Reality? Oh, right. Lark Valley High for the Elite. She rolled her eyes, something she rarely did.

She opened her locker and dumped out most of her bag's contents. 

She went into her first class and took a seat. By now, the teacher had been allowing her to come in early. She didn't know why. She just did. Perhaps she knew about the nonsense going on?

Cindy pulled a book out from her bag, The Great Gatsby. They were reading it in AP English. Which, fortunately, meant that she didn't have to deal with any of Catherine's posse because no one from her little group was able to keep their grades up high enough to get into the Advanced Program.

Cindy flipped open the novel and began to reread chapter six. The final project was due a couple weeks from now and they got it yesterday. Why not get a headstart? Cindy had read not even half way through the chapter when the bell rang.

Her classmates came in rowdily, knocking over the trashcan in the process and desks as well. One of the bullies was holding a short girl's backpack high in the air and waving it around like a lasso. 

He unzipped the bag and swung it around, everything falling out. The girl grabbed her hair in panic when her three inch binder fell out, which unfortunately was loaded with papers. 

Cindy's eyes rounded. How was she going to organize all those papers?

She sighed, It was going to be a long year.







Don't worry, I know it's not really interesting at this point.

We'll get to the meat/tofu (whichever tickles you fancy) pretty soon.

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Lack of comments discourages me!



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sylverain  on says:
Will this ever end up being yuri?

WinnieStar  on says about chapter 11:
hey, even with your 'o' key falling off, i don't think there was an typos/misspellings.
^-^ its really good

ByungKitty  on says:
happy birfdeii, girlie

WinnieStar  on says:
please update more! ASAP!!! (0__0)/

WinnieStar  on says about chapter 10:
wahh how good keep writing! im just started reading!
keep going!and i think they have loads of make up! like a cosmetic shop ahaha ^O^

WinnieStar  on says about chapter 9:
yeah stand up! who cares about them!

WinnieStar  on says about chapter 7:
yay she doesnt curse.and butts ahahaha

LockLoyalist  on says about chapter 9:
I feel bad for not commenting here every now and then. It's just that I dont go online here often. But I am glad I found your story, it's really interesting.

Ohh I like your poster btw, Hyunnie ah!

ilovecandie  on says:
My first subcribed story!

byzelo  on says about chapter 7:
Wow, dude. I salut Cindy. Honestly. I like this fic a lot, can't wait for the next update!

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