Breakdown ★
by jwuhong
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Nowadays, twenty percent of teenagers will experience depression before reaching adulthood. Teens get depression regardless of gender, race, religion, school or even social class. While teenage boys are less likely to either realize they have depression or seek help for it, teenage girls are more prone to the negative state of mind because of a stronger dependence on social ties. Not everyone can be strong. Some people will have a breakdown.
Alaska is a young girl who has the dream of becoming a singer. It doesn't look as easy as it sounds though. Being a biracial Hispanic-Asian proves to be a problem trying to gain a career in California where pure white talent prospers. Not only that but lacking an ideal body and face to match gives a challenge that Alaska is unable to handle on her own—especially since not even her parents support her.
Darren was adopted at the age of two after being abandoned by his mother who decided that she wasn't going to waste money paying for a nanny to take care of him anymore. His new family took him in and raised them as their own albeit in the shadow of their blood-born son, Alexander. Even being the best isn't enough if Alexander had achieved that first. So instead Darren has come to the conclusion that he has to be perfect.
Faith grew up strictly Catholic, attending nothing other than all-girls' academies that were private to the elite that could afford it. Her life in California had always been good to her up until she realized her thoughts on the Bible began to change. Liking someone had never been so hard before. Things only happened to worsen when her parents decide to visit with their close friends and their son Gabriel.
Jon knew the true meaning of hurt when he was seven. An abusive father, a distant mother and a sister that eventually ran away, he found himself alone. Everything hurt; the name calling, physical abuse and isolation. At school he would laugh it off and home he would hide it until he got to the confines of his room. Empathy was an ability that he couldn't care less for. He never got empathy before, so why give it to others?
People underestimate how much pain you have
to be in to be able to drag the blade across your skin.
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PyaariSammu on says:
I like the idea, I hope you update soon!
epicfate on says:
I'm getting addicted with angst please update soon^^~
AyukiMizuko on says about chapter 6:
woah! nice story!
N1ghtshade on says about chapter 5:
Wow. I'm in tears right now.
Personally, I seem to connect with Alaska.
Her wanting something her father disapproves of. Him only wanting her to focus on her grades, but claiming he doesn't want to push her.
Yeah, been there. And unfortunately, still there.
giraffehugger on says about chapter 4:
oh my I feel so sorry for Jon.
giraffehugger on says about chapter 3:
wow. I went to a catholic school until year 4th grade and it's true most of the all girls school is just beside the all boys school. How ironic.
giraffehugger on says about chapter 2:
I like the idea and concept of this story. Unique and relevant.
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