Beautiful Moments Writing Tip Café ★
by inspiration
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A pen or pencil, some paper, a computer, and your imagination
version 1; Tiffany and Hyoyeon
poster is my own
Welcome to Beautiful Moments Writing Tip Café
I will be your server today, and you can call me Inspiration.
Please, have a look around.
This Café is: Open | Renovating | Busy | Closed
Here at Beautiful Moments we have a variety of things for you;
-Writing tips
-Story ideas
-Story prompts
-Writing "lessons"
And maybe if you're nice, I can hold a miniature writing contest.
Now there will be some rules here that you must follow.
- There will be no bashing or rude comments. You have a problem? Message me
- If you would like to submit a question, you can either message me or post on my wall.
- Take everything with a grain of salt. I am not a writing expert, but I do have a heck of an English teacher, so I feel like I know at least a little bit about writing. So again, you have a problem with something I said, message me.
I hope that I can assist you with your writing.
why did i start this?
I've been a part of the fanfiction world for about a year and a half, and over that period,
I've seen many, many amazing fics, but I've also seen many not-so-amazing fics.
I am here to give tips to writers who want to improve their writing skills.
Now I am not a professional author or a teacher of any sort, but I hope I can lend a hand to some of you.
Lesson #1: What is a story?
Lesson #2: Plot (part 1)
Lesson #2.5: Plot (part 2)
Lesson #3: Characters and Development.
Oh no! My story got turned around! What do I do?
FFO Peeves
The Swan Corner Writing Tips
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Comments are moderated. Keep it cool. Critical is fine, but if you're rude to one another (or to us), we'll delete your stuff. Have fun and thanks for joining the conversation!
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Pastelsky on says about chapter 5:
This booklet, oh my goodness.
Your teacher is wonderful.
You are wonderful.
This cafe is wonderful.
'nuff said.
dubunim on says:
Congrats on the feature!! 8DDDD
meticulous on says about chapter 1:
I really like your way of executing your lessons! I also have a really amazing English teacher that gave me the knowledge to write my own fanfiction, poetry, and essays. I found this helpful as well! By the way, congratulations on your feature!
WinnieStar on says about chapter 6:
okay, this helps but one thing that also make a good story is to make sure it makes sense, not the plot line and stuff but the sentences and grammar. you should post something about it because some forget to edit their chapter or something. :) sorry if this sounds forcing you to write something about this.....
WinnieStar on says about chapter 5:
okay, you must have a really cool, can-teach-english; english teacher
my english teacher sucks, i don't learn anything but do some not-so-helpful sheets of paper. -__- one reason why i suck at english and stuff
misslavender01 on says:
and i forgot to ask.can you teach us about how to find a catchy title? it seems like almost everyone had some problems with the lesson. ^^
misslavender01 on says about chapter 5:
waaah your writing tips helped me.alot.but sometimes if i wanna search for some ideas or inspirations..i'll go to the random picture generator.hehe.it's weird but soemtimes it helps me.i'll probably going to your cafe again so update soon. :)
nutteu on says:
Wow, this is very helpful ^^
You explai -wrote- them in a way I can easily understand. Oh, and the latest chapter is a BIG help too. Thankyou so much for sharing~
Definitely gonna wait for the next update~
coffeeplease on says:
update more!:)
dubunim on says about chapter 5:
Ugh. Character Development. I seem to lack in this region the most! ;A; But, omg! This chart will help so much!!!
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