Chapter 5

by BeHappy
Tags   romance   fiction   fantasy   supernatural   originalcharacter   vampire   romanceish   | Report Content

Chapter 5 - romance fiction fantasy supernatural originalcharacter vampire romanceish - main story image








After wandering around the Math and Science Building, I picked up a trail with my keen eyes. Grass had grown over it. I walked along it searching for any sign of humans around. Did the students here know about this trail?

Along the trail, I observed the pink tulips growing nearby. A rabbit scampered by. I stopped and took in a deep breath. The air smelled of pine trees. The trail broke off and connected with a trail of pine needles. The pine needles felt soft and squishy with padding underneath my sneakers. 

Eventually, I was lead to a shabby old greenhouse. I could make out the grains on the old, green door. I walked over quietly and put my ear against it. I couldn't hear anything except for a soft swish, swish. 

Cautiously, I pushed open the door an inch and peeked inside. A boy was sitting at a canvas with a sunflower placed in front of him. I guess someone did know about this place. The flower immediately reminded me of Van Gogh. I had met the poor fellow after he cut off his ear. He was mad and grieving at that time.  

The boy dipped his brush in paint and covered the canvas in yellow with big strokes of his brush.

Quite honestly, when I had met Van Gogh, I had the urge to kill him. He was able to feel, eat, and do so many other things that I couldn't, yet he was sad. What more could he want? I would never understand humans.

I heaved a sigh. Realizing my mistake, I clamped a hand over my mouth, but it was too late. The boy had seen me. He scrambled up and tried to cover his painting with his hands. 

"Uh...hi." he greeted. His eyes were darting all over the place. I could read his feelings. Why was he nervous? "Um, are you here to check up on my scholarship?" 

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Excuse me?"

"Oh." The boy relaxed. "I thought you were someone from the Board of Education here to check up on me. I have an art scholarship so I have to produce good artwork or else they'll kick me out. Sorry for the misunderstanding." He walked forward and held out his hand.

I shook it and held onto it for a bit longer than I needed to. His hand was warm. Was mine warm now too? Sensing that he thought of me weirdly, I withdrew my hand. "Name's Alexa. You?"


I nodded, "Japanese?" From what I recall, Ren was a Japanese name, the last time I visited Japan. 

Ren grinned, "First one to get that right."

I looked over his shoulder at his painting. "Nice work you got there."

He looked back at what I was referring to and chuckled, "Thanks."

Awkward silence.

"So, I haven't seen you around before. Are you new here?" I nodded, "Would you like a tour?" He looked at his watch. "We can go see the Kings' little competition later too."

"Um...sure, why not...who are the Kings?" I asked.

"The brothers. There's three of them. You'll see later." Ren walked out of the greenhouse and motioned me to follow him.

Blowing air out of my cheeks, I did so.



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loveynovy  on says:
Love it! :)

angelicsmile  on says about chapter 13:
Nice story ^^

AcornyJOKES  on says about chapter 13:
I enjoyed reading this ^_^,update soon :))

PyaariSammu  on says about chapter 13:
Ahhhh cliff hanger!!! I can't wait for then next chapter XD

ByungKitty  on says:
happeh birthday~^^

WinnieStar  on says about chapter 12:
wahhh shes human.....again
oh forgot to mention on the last chapter you wrote "I blah blah your blah." somethhing like that. i dont get it @-@

WinnieStar  on says about chapter 2:
hmm intresting

panda_poke  on says about chapter 11:

panda_poke  on says:
Update. Please. I love your story. Ugh ♥

fluffyrocks  on says about chapter 9:
Ren sure likes to drag people.

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