Calling jj_maple

by BeHappy
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Calling jj_maple - request shop review reviewshop - main story image


What we do for love

Reviewer: BeHappy


Title (8/10pts): I didn't find the title particularly eye-catching and it's not a very good idea to start a story title with "what".

Graphics/Trailer (5pts): Do the colors, pitcures, quotes, etc, match the feeling of the story? Quality? Is there too much writing? Is the poster/background confusing to look at? Can it be related to the story?

Description & Foreword (14/15pts): "Do you know a friend who is in a one-sided love?" isn't a very eye catching way to hook the reader. Something like, "We all have friends with a one-sided love" would've probably been better because it seems more mature. I really liked the way you used "I" though. The repetition had its desired effect.

Characters (10/10pts): The characters do stay in character. Good job :)

Plot: Is it interesting? (Yes): The plot isn't original, but it still could be interesting. 

Mechanics [Grammar/Punctuation/Spelling/Syntax, etc] (18/20pts): "A lot insane" is not proper grammar. Correction: Extremely insane. 

"Year Six" and "Year Eight" are really awkward...try "sixth grade" and "eighth grade" instead. It'll help the reader too. 

Flow (8/10pts): You used "let me tell you" a lot in the first chapter. It doesn't flow well because of that. There was a time in chapter two you wrote "oh, you's um...using calculator 12x2=...!!!...ok, I'm back". Truth to be told, the desired effect wasn't successful... 12x2 is considered basic multiplication so when you have the character use a calculator to calculate that, it doesn't make the character seem bright or smart at all. In addition, you said "no, I'm not calculating that in weeks, days, hours.......". That makes it seem like you don't have anything to write about.

Moreover, the reader may also think that it's hard for you to stay on topic. Most readers don't want to sit through something like that and read it. 

Visual things (5/10pts): I strongly recommend a poster and background, or even just a background to make the story look more visually appealing. Right now, it just looks really plain. 

Ending (15pts): (The ending is extremely important! You can rock the story, but bomb the end.) Does the ending make sense? Was the story wrapped up well? If a cliff-hanger was used, was it successful?  *Only graded if story is finished*

Bonus (5pts possible): Was there something off-the-charts impressive?

Extra Comments/Notes/Author's Comment:

I'm sorry this took so long! I was really busy, but I hope this review helps you in your writing!

Total: 63/75


Story Link


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ByungKitty  on says:
happy late birthday~ :3

snowflakes  on says:
I've request a review for my story, thank you! :)

jj_maple  on says about chapter 7:
Thanks for your review ^^
I didn't mind waiting at all.

yingjumeihua  on says:
I requested for one of my stories.

lostreader  on says about chapter 6:
omg, I don't think I ever got such high score *^*
Thank you for the review and I don't mind waiting! :D
I'm going to credit now :3

FTisland_BigBang  on says about chapter 5:
tnx! I'll try to improve it :) did I put report? @_@ I just rwalize that... Thanks again :)

lostreader  on says:
I requested :3

sleepwalker  on says about chapter 4:
No way! I've never received a score that high before LOL (probably because I rarely request reviews). Thank you for taking the time to review my story. May I ask you something? Did you think my chapters were too short?
Ah, I'm glad I could show you a different perspective on capitalization of story titles. And lol Snoopy is great xD I just found it random haha
Again, thank you for the review! I'll make sure to request in the future.

mafalda  on says:
Requested~! :D

Cremeplan42  on says about chapter 1:
Want to add another reviewer to the list? LOL. I want to apply.

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